He goes back & forth all game between thinking he’s a color commentator- every time UU makes a good play he has to replay it in his pretend “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!” voice, and the rest of the game he’s being the head cheerleader (in the same voice) telling fans that he needs their help, and to “welcome the Defense sponsored by Les Olsen! back to the field!”
Other observations:
It appears to be humanly impossible for any UU fan to be on video without repeatedly and vigorously shoving the double-loser sign into the camera.
Unimpressed by “The Moment” in between Q3 & Q4. Sorry that their two players got shot, but the whole wave your cell phone lights in the air while Kyle talks about how we should live like they did was mostly just strange and awkward.
UU fans love them some flags on long poles.