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Nov 8, 2024
YzGuise Starter
Grooming standards
Were culturally to differentiate our youth against the hippie movement. It was an elitist move to separate us from the world. It does not have a place now and in fact, works against our cause. Some may see the stance as still a cultural battle but it is one more failure of our culture that separates us out and creates a barrier to the rest of the world that is a negative to inclusion and acceptance affecting the cultures both in the missionary field as well as how we treat those people around us in our wards and stakes. The length of hair and/or the existence of facial hair has no bearing on the judgment seat. It is not based on any gospel doctrine. (see Christ and the people gathered around him, Early church leaders up to 1960) This goes for leadership positions as well. Not including the fringe case of those hillbillys from Utah. There is a case for some positions where you can say well groomed and not a distraction as a standard but that does not preclude longer hair or facial hair. I would never shave nor cut my hair for any position. If you call me you accept me as I am. I have this stand just because I think our culture(not the gospel) is broken in many ways and this is one of them. Just my 2 cents. @CougarLegend 56 😉
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Feb 3, 2003
Last login
Dec 29, 2024
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894 (0 FO)
11/7/24 4:33pm

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