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Nov 3, 2024
Eddie Truly Addicted User
I’m ok with following precedent, as long as it makes sense.
Meaning - precedent has to be based on whatever criteria they’re using being criteria that makes sense.

So the criteria that losing a conference championship game doesn’t cost you a spot in the playoffs - assuming your resume prior to the CCG was deserving - makes sense.

Precedent that teams ranked at a certain level and above get in, makes sense.

Precedent that the ACC got 2 teams in so they should always get two teams in (or you can substitute any number for the SEC and Big10) - well that’s just dumb and doesn’t make sense.
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Dec 12, 2002
Last login
Jan 4, 2025
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46,631 (1,090 FO)
acadian8 All-American
11/3/24 10:38am
11/3/24 10:42am
11/3/24 11:10am

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