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Nov 3, 2024
bythenumbers All-American
People keep complaining the system is rigged, meanwhile BYU has a better shot
at a national title than at any time in decades. We completely control our own destiny. If we win every game from here on out we will be national champions. This was not the case in the BCS era. And even with the 4 team playoff we would need help from voters with no guarantees.

But it gets better. We could drop a regular season game and still win a national title. This would never have happened in the BCS era and would have been almost unthinkable in the 4 team playoff era.

And it gets even better. With some help, there are some not crazy paths for BYU to win the national title with 2 regular season losses and without any help from voters. This would have never happened even with a 4 team playoff.

I'm NOT predicting a national title. I am saying that college football has never been less rigged than it is right now, at least in my lifetime. Who cares if the SEC gets 4 teams in? There will still be spots for deserving teams and a guaranteed spot for our conference. At 8-0 BYU is extremely well positioned to have the best post-season in recent memory, even with some stumbles. And that will continue to be the case as long as the current structure exists. Win the conference and we're in.
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Mar 16, 2020
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Jan 2, 2025
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