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Sep 6, 2024
SinkingQuffa Intervention Needed
No sense? To look to see how we stack up in conference play — BEFORE even talking about how far we might reasonably go
in the tournament?

Yeah, if that doesn't make sense to you — then by all means continue to dream about Dance advancements in the preseason — with our entirely rebuilt staff & team.

Cuz that's how you naturally go, I suppose.

In the meantime, some of us are gonna really enjoy the prospects of competing in the Big 12 with some excitingly new & promising talent — & with a promising new staff. And AREN'T gonna let the excitement (& frustrations) of that competition pass us by. And THEN --somewhere along the line-- BEGIN to talk of just how far our team might go in March,

It's probably not surprising that I respected the WCC conference more than the vast majority here on CB, also. Sure, with the exception of the Zags (& occasionally Randy's boyz) it wasn't great competition — not in terms of national-level "great", anyway. But then again, with the exception of a couple Jimmer squads, our Program hasn't really produced a great team in the last 20 years, either. NOT in terms of one that had a legitimate shot of advancing to & beyond the Elite 8, anyway.

And yes, that certainly includes the 2019-20 team. Which was defensively mediocre, didn't have a Big to support Yoeli, & had probably the worst depth even in the WCC. Despite what our dreamers would like the hold dearly to (hey, we got our ESPN backers!), that team woulda been VERY lucky to advance to the 2nd round, let alone get to the Sweet 16.

To me, the VERY disappointing loss to SMC is what stays in the craw. NOT the ESPN spinster crap. Because for me — I REALLY wanted for that inspiring team — to get one more shot at upsetting those Zags.

P.S. Learn to love the Big 12 & the competition they bring to the table.
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Originally posted on Sep 6, 2024 at 4:10:43am
Message modified by SinkingQuffa on Sep 6, 2024 at 4:18:57am
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