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Jul 2, 2024
BlueSage Playmaker
I tried to be analytical about it. Here were my steps:
This all happened in 2018. Partially because I was surrounded by EPL fans and partially because I am/was a government worker and we had a very long government shutdown and I needed something to do to keep my mind off of whether I would be able to feed my family and pay my mortgage.

1. (Knowing the outcome of my analysis, this will seem very ironic) I didn't want to be seen as a bandwagon fan so I immediately chose not to be a fan of Leicester City (who recently won the PL), the London blue bloods (Chelsey and Arsenal) or Manchester United and Liverpool.
2. Similar to number 1, I chose not to follow the team currently leading the PL at the time: Liverpool (Leicester City was number 2 at the time).
3. I took time to watch a lot of matches and watch any videos that I could find. One that left an impression was a Prime Series about the prior year's Manchester City team.
4. When I finally chose my team (it was finally in December 2018) I realized that some of my favorite players and coaches were all on the same team. I liked Raheem Stirling because he was a short, fast player that was very effective and also because I laughed whenever I head somebody proclaim "(Scott) Stirling". I loved the toughness of Vincent Kompany, the speed of Kyle Walker and the passion of Kun Aguerro. I also appreciated many of the players of Liverpool (I could have really followed them if I didn't have rules 1 and 2) and (as a nod to my Asian family) Heung-Min Sun from Tottenham. I also understood the tactics of Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp.

After watching for a while, I realized that I was becoming a Manchester City fan. Because they were in 3rd place at the time, I felt comfortable proclaiming my new fandom publicly without thinking I was jumping on a bandwagon (I say that unironically). At that time, I joined all of their fan clubs, started listening to their podcasts and watching all of their matches. For the first couple of years, my level of fandom was similar to a newly baptized member of the church: I didn't understand everything, but I loved everything. As I have matured in my fandom, I am less "my team right or wrong" and more "I still choose to follow this team".

Good luck in picking your team or if you choose not to pick a team, enjoy following the league. It is entertaining, it is frustrating but there is not much more exiting that watching 10 concurrent matches (really its only 3-4 each year that matter) on the last day of the season when teams are fighting to win the league, win invitations to European competitions, and fighting for their very existence in the league for next season.
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Dec 30, 2002
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Jul 4, 2024
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