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Jun 11, 2024
TeeKaa All-American
"Bang the Drum Slowly" - A GREAT 1973 baseball movie, but also a good analogy

between Kalani and the character Bruce Pearson (played by Robert De Niro).

Henry Wiggen (played by Michael Moriarty and known by the nickname "Author" as he had written a book years earlier), star pitcher on the team and devoted friend to Bruce, keeps a notebook on all the players who get a hit off of him so he can improve and beat them the next time he faces them.  Bruce is not the smartest person in the room; ever.  About 22 minutes into the film Bruce and Henry have this conversation:

Bruce:  Arthur (never realizing through the movie, he should be calling Henry "Author"), tell me, if you was on one club and me on another, what kind of book would you keep on me?

Henry:  If I was to keep a book on you, I would say to myself "no need to keep a book on Pearson, for Pearson keeps no book on me".  Because if I was to strike you out on fast balls letter high, you would not go back to the bench thinking "that son-of-a-gun Wiggen struck me out with fast balls letter high, so I'll be on the lookout for teh same thing next time."  No, you go back to the bench thinking "I would like a frank" or "I see pretty legs in the stands" and by the time you face me again, you have forgot all about the time before.  This is not golf... but human being against human being, and the son-of-a-gun that wears his thinking hat has got the advantage over the other."

That scene is Kalani; the coach, to the core.

Bruce doesn't have a thinking hat.

Kalani doesn't have a thining hat.

This is the main reason Kalani isn't even an average coach - no thinking hat.  He simply hasn't learned or progressed in football knowledge or coaching knowledge after all these years.

When it comes to football, Kalani is Bruce.  No thinking hat, no "book" he is doomed to fail.  Again and again and again.

Watch the film, it really is a great film; afterwards, come back and let me know if you can see a similarity between Kalani and Bruce.  In my mind, Kalani and Bruce are interchangeable.    


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Jun 11, 2003
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