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Dec 7, 2007
My co-worker is going CRAZY
He keeps hearing a beeping noise in his office. It sounds like a watch beep, but a little more full than a watch beep. He can't find where it is coming from and he's pulled everything out of all his drawers, opened every electronic device in his office, raised the drop-down panels on the ceiling, called people into his office to try and pinpoint the sound, written down the exact time each beep went off, held things to his ear, called friends to ask about different pieces of electronics and whether or not they beep.

He thinks his office has been bugged and is become legitimately concerned it actually has.

Someone put one of these ic/8c52/
in his office.

The beeps come at random times spaced from 2 to about 15 minutes. It's very quickly driving him insane. It's also the funniest thing I've ever seen in my office.

I wonder who would do such an evil thing...
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