you are claiming and judging that Deon is, "rude", "arrogant", "loud", and discounting the fact that he grew up in the hood, many of his friends went to jail, didnt graduate high school, his fathers abused drugs and alcohol. I don't know your story, but based on the fact that we're both using this platform, that probably wasn't your story. Isn't it totally possible that what you find offensive in his personality was part of the mechanism that helped him escape those paths? Isn't it possible that what you find offensive is what many people find inspiring because they are able to relate to him and share in that experience? Just because something is different doesn't mean that its bad. Deon has publicly said that he has tried to give people from his situation a different option than the gansters, drug dealers and rappers. Showing that they can have the chains, the swag, etc without having to pedal drugs. What's wrong with that?