From director of player personnel Robert Blechen:
“So yeah we go head-to-head with the bluebloods a decent amount, and we’d like to think we’re a blueblood now, but just the way I think some kids see schools, Utah is not going to be the sexy school because we haven’t been. Maybe we’ll get there one day. They like Oregon’s uniforms or SC is in L.A.; people don’t know about Salt Lake as much.”
Also, LOL at the classic "we didn't want them anymore anyway":
“Nope. No,” Blechen says of much roster attrition, “and 90% of the departures that we have are by design. We’re not too upset about it. Probably another reason is that it’s the type of kids that are coming here, and I do think we have a pretty good culture here.
The results relative to recruiting are good, but if you consider things like the rate at which players have been charged with kidnapping, the culture seems . . . problematic.