falling apart strengthens BYU and the Big12. If Utah were to stuck in a severely weakened Pac, that wouldn't be a bad thing for BYU, either. Longer term, continued realignment may well lead to a P2, and BYU could find itself back on the outside. That long GOR that the ACC has going on might be the thing that helps stabilize college football long enough to kill the P2 idea (although the SEC and B1G will dominate the $$ regardless). Then again, maybe somebody finds a way to blow up the ACC here in the next few years and who knows where that leads. Could lead to an even stronger Big12, or the B1G and SEC might just sit back and pick off all of the best (politically palatable) programs not already in the P2. I THINK the Big12 is going to be OK long term, with the SEC and B1G easily winning the $$ battle. At least the Big12 will do well enough to compete in football on the national stage, and will do very, very well in basketball.