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Jul 28, 2022
Westwood Redshirt Freshman
Fun memory from this game: my dad bought us tickets to the Holiday Bowl in 1990
I was in 7th grade. We sat surrounded by A&M fans and the game was a nightmare as we all know. They were not kind. And somehow a thick Texas accent makes the trash talk much more hostile. Picture a crowd of Buck Stricklands from King of the Hill. Wearing the ugliest shade of maroon possible.

Fast forward 6 years and I am a week away from beginning my freshman year at BYU. We had seats in the north end zone, close enough to the visitor's section to hear all the Buck Stricklands who made the trip to Mormonland. Unpleasant memories were triggered.

When Sark hit KO for the last touchdown, my dad turned to the northwest corner and flipped off the visitor's section with both hands and screamed "Suck on that! SUCK ON THAT!" . This is a man who has never said a swear word in his life. Still hasn't, now that i think about it. But he chose the correct time to come close.
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7/28/22 12:36pm

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