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Sep 1, 2017
BeYoU Walk-on
Few things
A. Editors don't get paid for VTF. If they do it's very very minuscule based on ad revenue. Like lunch money type minuscule. I know this because once upon a time I wrote for VTF. The writers do it for free. The editors get paid maybe 50 bucks a month tops. Lunch money.

B. Don't sweat it man. That's lame they'd let you go as an editor for VTF for posting the Bernard video. That's on them, not you.

C. The stunt you attempted to pull on here, it happens. Everyone makes mistakes or does things that are weird. Keep your head up bro. Ignore the hatred and see the good. Some of us have your back.
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Bio page
Apr 14, 2014
Last login
Sep 29, 2017
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9/1/17 1:29pm
9/1/17 1:42pm
9/1/17 2:06pm
9/1/17 2:15pm
9/1/17 6:22pm
1/27/20 12:08pm
9/1/17 1:58pm
9/1/17 2:22pm
9/1/17 3:53pm
9/1/17 3:54pm
9/1/17 4:20pm
9/1/17 4:53pm
9/1/17 6:08pm
9/1/17 11:51pm
9/2/17 6:38am
9/2/17 7:36am
9/2/17 7:41am
9/2/17 12:28pm

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