Explain to us all why it is OK to actually try to cause someone financial ruin because you root for a different school. You've stepped up before. You explained to us why the U.S. News and World Report rankings that rank BYU 40 places higher that Utah are not really indicative of how Utah really is better than BYU. When the U was ranked #5 nationally in the number of drug arrests, you stated that it wasn't indicative of a huge drug problem but of a concerted effort at controlling a small problem that caused a high number of arrests. When prostitutes were retained to bring the Olympics to your football stadium, it was not Utah's fault, even though the head of the SLC Olympic committe at the time was a Ute. And when Majerus recruited a convicted rapist to play for the U, you guys were all full of forgiveness and repentance.
So come on. We're waiting.