BYUFam1's College Football Playoff (CFP) Primer...
I started researching and posting at the end of April various things in regards to the CFP/NY6. Here are some of the things I've posted about. I'll structure them below on a question/answer perspective and include posts with more details. This may be helpful for us as BYU fans because I often also cite how this impacts our team.
How many teams make the playoffs? The top 4 ranked teams in the selection committees rankings make the playoffs.
What do they call the bowls formerly called BCS games? NY6 or New Years Six
How high does an at-large have to be ranked to be picked for a NY6 game? It depends on the given year and whether auto/contract bids are ranked lower but typically as high as 5 but also perhaps as low as 9.
How many people are on the committee, who are they, how will they rank teams and what information will they use? 13 people make up the committee, their names and procedures are listed in the links below as well as a link to an article about the kind of detailed information available to them.
Will they just leave a highly ranked team (BYU perhaps) out of a NY6 game for a team more desirable? No after auto/contract bids are fulfilled the highest ranked teams by the committee will be assigned by the committee to participate. Although some want to believe that they will "pre" leave teams like BYU out from even being ranked by the committee - if this is the kind of conspiracy you want to assume prior to witnessing it under the new system then so be it
What bowl hosts the title game (play off finals)? No bowl hosts the finals; each years final will be bid on by locations like the Superbowl is. Some years it will be at a bowl loaction other years it could be in locations not associated with a NY6 game.
Where can I get more definitive information about the CFP & NY6 games?
What other questions/answers should be included in this? Are there areas my posts are wrong (not opinions but facts)? Are there areas that they have already clarified or made changes to? Let me know so we can enhance this information and then reference all the repeat questions back to it.
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Originally posted on Aug 20, 2014 at 1:53:00pm
Message modified by BYUFam1 on Aug 21, 2014 at 10:30:39am
Message modified by BYUFam1 on Aug 27, 2014 at 8:59:35am
Message modified by BYUFam1 on Sep 6, 2014 at 11:31:51pm