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Aug 1, 2013
Here is what went down:
A BYU fan near the U's bench sees a bunch of Ute fans throwing a fit about losing, so he starts taking pictures with his phone. KWhitt's son thinks the BYU fan is taking pictures of the son's little sister who was crying at the time. He takes umbrage at the thought of someone making fun of his little sister, so he grabs the cell phone and throws it into the crowd, probably destroying the phone in the process (although the destruction of the phone is conjecture on my part). The BYU fan could not have picked KWhitt's family out of a lineup and had no idea who they were until later.

The BYU fan grabs KWhitt's son and starts yelling for security so he can report what has happened. The only security nearby is security from the U who are there only to protect the Utes and family. He asks them to intervene and they do nothing. Meanwhile, KWhitt's wife, who has been unaware of anything up until that point, sees some BYU fan who has taken hold of her son and isn't letting go. She thinks the BYU fan is attacking her son, so she rushed to his defense and joins in the scuffle.

A police report gets filed which basically could nail KWhitt's son to the wall. The police also inadvertently release the name and telephone number of the BYU fan. The BYU fan starts getting calls from U fans with death threats for attacking the Whitts.

The BYU fan decides to let everything go in exchange for a new phone from the Whitts. He does so for two reasons (and I don't really know which plays a bigger role): 1. He's sick of the threats and the drama and just wants it to go away, 2. He realizes that people probably just got overheated after an intense rivalry game and he doesn't want an arrest and conviction to hurt Whitt's son in terms of going on a mission, getting into college etc.

End of story.

I have an impeccable source on this one and I could tell you who it is, but then I'd have to kill you. I have close to 20,000 posts on CB and those who know me know I don't pull something like this out of the air and try to pass it off as truth if it isn't.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Aug 1, 2013 at 4:35:33pm
Message modified by gwalker on Aug 1, 2013 at 4:43:41pm
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