via ISO or otherwise. He got his points in a variety of ways but he didn’t do it by ‘taking over’ while his teammates stepped back and watched. I think this is a positive, but after watching BYU earlier in the day get destroyed and not have Demin or anyone step up and try to take over when things got bad it does temper my expectations for AJ for his one year in college—long term career seems to be super bright, but a flash in the pan, one year at BYU may not be as dominating as I had hoped previously.
His calm demeanor and his defensive ability (quickness) were amazing.
JJ Mandaquit was also really impressive as a floor General. He was quick and strong with good decision making. Wish we could have got him too.
A couple other kids on their team were fantastic players, especially shooters, as well. Anyone know much about them? They weren’t on the top recruits list for ‘25 or ‘26.