cross hairs and "work from home" is dead at amazon).
As a customer, I'm finding myself increasingly frustrated with Amazon. Out of control Resellers are flooding the market with clones and counterfeit parts which make it essentially an upscale Alibaba. It's hard to find the quality item you are looking for, even if you specifically search for it.
Alexa has taken a big step backwards, she won't recognize songs/commands that she had no problem with in 2014. What's up with that?
So stuff I would never hesitate to order off of Amazon (usually high dollar important stuff), I'm going to other sellers. For my home integration, I'm actually open to ditching Alexa when I've been basically "all-in" for nearly a decade.
What this translates too is major issues at the corporate front. Good for the CEO to make changes and hopefully Amazon can right the ship.
Or it can go the way of HP or Intel....or even Kodak.