As it is, I have no gatekeeper. I field requests from random people throughout my company of over 300k employees every day. My manager has almost no idea what I do from day to day and probably doesn't even want to know.
Some years back, a technical account manager decided to adopt me as his go-to guy for projects he needed to get done. He had a team of account managers below him and he micromanaged all of them. Many of them didn't like him.
I'm a "systems engineeer" which means I do a bunch of stuff and I'm not an expert at any of it. Unfortunately, I never drop the ball, so this project manager liked me a lot. Unfortunately, simply being reliable made me a superstar in his eyes.
Anyway, I became his go-to guy. It was so bad that co-workers on my team liked to joke that the guy was my boss. My manager is such a laid back guy that he didn't care.
That lasted for about 2 years. When he asked me to do something, he always expected me to drop everything and take care of what he needed. At first, it bothered me. If I didn't drop everything immediately, he'd ask me what I was doing and he'd go to the person who requested my time and explain that his stuff was more important and they'd have to wait.
If I had a long queue of people waiting for me, all I'd need to do is mention it to that account manager and he'd clear my queue for me.
Before long, I recognized how wonderful it was. He'd even call my manager to tell him to wait on stuff too. he needed me and my manager's stuff would have to wait.
He finally quit to take a job elsewhere about 5 years ago. I still miss him.
I want to be micromanaged and I want a gatekeeper. Work is far less stressful that way.
as it is, I have no authority to tell anyone to leave me alone.