My manager was married with a pregant wife. He was sleeping with my co-worker. They were taking "company trips" a lot together. That co-worker shared the workload with me which meant I was having to do her work plus mine when they would go on mini vacations on the company card. That co-worker was also seeing another employee in a different department. My boss was an insecure baby so he checked her company cell phone call logs to see them calling and talking for hours every night. He fired her (against company policy to do that, HR has to follow procedures and do the actual firing) and told everyone that she walked out. He found out that me and 2 other people knew about it and made our lives as miserable as he could, putting us in situations that looked bad with the higher ups to try and get us let go. One of those guys was forced to "retire", another was fired, and I just found a better job and left on my own accord. He had me on performance review with HR even though the previous 8 years I had done so well that my salary tripled in that time with 2 major promotions.