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Dec 27, 2024
tolpeople Walk-on
RE: any docs here who can give me some semi urgent advice?
I'm an experienced nurse practitioner. An inguinal hernia is created when something (usually pressure from coughing or heavy lifting) creates a hole in the peritoneal sac. This is the fibrous sack that holds your intestines. There is a weak place where testicles descend before birth and create a scar, and is the usual site for this tear. Loops of your intestines can slide through the hole, become trapped, swell, and eventually rupture and rot, creating a massive infection, sepsis, and possible death. If you were in my ER, I'd be getting an emergency consult with a surgeon with your description of your symptoms. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you go to the closest ER right now and let them evaluate you. Calling your doctor's office in the morning will not get you an appointment, since tomorrow is Saturday. If this is incarcerated bowel, you'll be dead by Monday. Sorry — hope you have insurance.
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Oct 6, 2020
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Dec 27, 2024
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12/27/24 8:15pm

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