At a Fr girls B-Ball game, the refs likely heard the incessent whining the whole game and probably should have tossed the whole family. I think that was the point. The girls, the refs everyone could hear it. It wasn't so much him, but the refs and girls. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but this was less about him being bugged and more about other. I've seen parents tossed or flagged from both youth football and baseball for similar.
As far as the comment goes, we've all been there right. If I'd been sitting next or for that matter you had and he drops that after the T, we'd both have a hard time not laughing, right. Is it the most mature thing to do, no, but it is kind of hilarious and it's not like he assaulted them into reacting. It isn't an excuse for them being even worse than they were already being and what ultimately lead to them being barred.