and other "cool kids" rejected the invitation, which left Utah as one of only a few non-cool kids able to attend.
But Utah made the mistake of thinking that this made them actually one of the cool kids, and feeling like the "cool kids" were actually their best friends. So when the actual "cool kids" in the group (Washington, Oregon, USC, and UCLA), who actually turned out to be snobby, got invited to an even better "cool kids" party, Utah tried to invite themselves, but all the real "cool kids" just laughed at Utah and turned their backs.
Meanwhile, BYU made some really awesome friends, who are also "cool kids" in their own right (just not snobby) and BYU went to a new fun party with them. BYU wanted to be friends again with Utah and invited them to join. Utah just still wants to be party of the snobby group who rejected them.