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Jun 20, 2024
TFL All-American
Yes and no. BYU fans have this awkward perspective on Utah
that everyone hates, mocks and disrespects the program the way BYU does. Most people have mad respect for the Utah program in general.

As a program, Utah was not a rival to anyone in the P12.

Why would they be? They had decades and Utah was a newcomer from a non BCS conference.

They would absolutely look down on Utah, as they should. But rivalries are often created when you take something away from a program.

Utah became the top performing program in the South the last 5 years. Completely dominating CU...and consistently beating UCLA, AZ and ASU. Then 50/50 vs. USC, until the last bit where Utah won 4 in a row.

Collectively, Utah has been dominant with that group.

That made Utah a top target year in, year out. If the goal was to secure a CCG berth or a championship, Utah was the top contender. The weight given to the head to head outcome in a 6-team division, made every game vs. Utah critical.

Utah- USC ended up having some of the best barn burner, last second outcome matchups in the west. I don't think anyone would argue those weren't well fought, deeply contested matchups that mattered to both schools.

For that, yes, Utah and USC built up a divisional rivalry. To pretend they didn't want a CFP berth in 2022, or that they didn't love beating top 3 Utah in 2015, or top 10 Utah in 2019 is silly.

The ratings, the attention TV gave it, post-game coverage — all made this a big game annually.

I don't see the big deal of people referring to it as a rivalry...but it is certainly not a long-term rival.
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Originally posted on Jun 20, 2024 at 1:52:16pm
Message modified by TFL on Jun 20, 2024 at 1:52:53pm
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Jun 20, 9:23am

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