Jun 12, 2024
SinkingQuffa Intervention Needed
RE: Rank the newcomers in order of biggest impact you think they'll have this season
1. Demin (Clearly our most important offensive pickup, & a pretty valuable defensive pickup too, hopefully. I think he'd remain #1 even if we were to sign Catchings — though Catchings is a guy who could shock us if our coaches could get him to find another level of intensity & efficiency. Anyway, Demin's a clearly bigger player & better athlete than SJ, w much better lower-body strength. He's not high-centered like SJ, so he's much more mobile, & MUCH better in transition (doesn't have to be the trailer like SJ). He's also a better ball handler than SJ by quite a bit, & a more dynamic shooter & scorer. He'll pressure the rim better than anyone on our team last season.) (That said, Demin won't have SJ's defensive maturity & skill, & probably not near the level of team leadership, either; SJ will certainly be missed.)

2. Keita (Probably our most important defensive pickup, but Mag might actually challenge him on that. Man, we've needed a guy like this for a LONG time.)

3. Mag (Absolutely love this pickup. Haven't had a guy like this on defense since maybe Travis Hansen. I've heard Abouo comparisons, but Mag is a more active & veritcal defender, & clearly more dangerous in transition than Abouo, imo. Hopefully his knee is back to 100%.)

4. Koz (IF Mr Catchings signs on, Koz & Crawford swap — & Koz would probably be outa the rotation. As of now, he's got a chance to earn a big role as the season progresses. Kid can shoot it — & really gets how to play off-the-ball for a HS player. Having him on roster made Noah Waterman more expendable; he's not as fast or mobile as Noah, but he's stronger & gots more game in the paint — & is clearly a more dynamic shooter. Length-wise, I'd guess they're much closer than their heights would suggest.)

5. Crawford (No slight on Elijah. I think he has a spot in our rotation from the start to the end of the season. Love his first step, & the lower strength.)

6. Stewart
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Originally posted on Jun 12, 2024 at 5:28:09am
Message modified by SinkingQuffa on Jun 12, 2024 at 5:32:21am
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Message modified by SinkingQuffa on Jun 12, 2024 at 7:08:54am
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