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Jun 16, 2023
Mitty All-American
Lived in NM for a few years. Not really any FB culture to speak of. Low
population density thinly spread out, no pro teams, no P5 schools, lackluster support for two mid-level schools, and overall it felt like kids were more interested in basketball and baseball and soccer. Santa Fe has a very arts-centered culture, lots of Hollywood and writers and visual arts actors/celebs live there but not sports stars. The state is heavily Hispanic and Native American, neither of which connect as much with football. Albuquerque has a lot of military folks and engineers as well with the bases and research labs, and their kids tend to focus on other careers probably. People are more tuned towards outdoor nature activities in the later summer and early fall, which is the most beautiful time of year in the state after the summer thunderstorms have turned things green and then the leaves change color and winds die down and temps cool in the fall.

No surprise there isn't much high end FB talent. That won't change.
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Originally posted on Jun 16, 2023 at 11:33:49am
Message modified by Mitty on Jun 16, 2023 at 12:15:48pm
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