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Dec 15, 2022
CSoul Intervention Needed
You keep responding to me way after and then changed your argument on this one so don't
just say "again". Last time you stated it was SWE and this time you are saying something different. It's not the same argument. Pretty disingenuous of you. If you want a deeper conversation boardmail me. I understand how they are measured, but the timing issues are still there. It doesn't report for current day, not does it line up with when the deltas are calculated (they all aren't the same). It's not real-time at all. And when I look at reporting stations for current deltas there are always a bunch missing. After a few days it becomes accurate looking back historically but it absolutely isn't accurate the day of or even one day back when looking at the provided site. Your defense of this sounds very similar to the COVID data side and the same issues came into play. You are way too overconfident about the reliability of the equipment, the date/time filtering and gathering between the data stores and the UX, how reliable the transmission of the stations are during bad storms among other things.

Just throwing out, "the system is automated" is just such a simplistic and wrong answer. I oversee an entire business where we "automate" everything in our data pipeline. And there are so many reasons the data gets delayed or has issues, and I don't have to worry about a bunch of hardware sensors and inclement weather etc.

Anyway, maybe we are talking about different things. I'm addressing the fact that TODAY you often won't see up to date data for the current day or sometimes even the previous day. It becomes quite accurate given a few days, sometimes shorter depending on different variables. Now, if you are saying that it's always very up to date and usually accurate even for the most recent timeframe I would just completely disagree with you. What I tell people when looking at data, is if it looks wrong, it usually is. If intra-day you see data go down that you know should be going up, 99% of the time there is an issue somewhere in the pipeline. Yes you still verify, but too many people get overconfident in "the systems" they build.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Dec 15, 2022 at 5:24:04pm
Message modified by CSoul on Dec 15, 2022 at 5:28:01pm
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