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Mar 16, 2025
jaba166 All-American
Waterman and Khalifa at Louisville. First of all, I'm a big fan of both players.
Loved what they both brought to BYU, and was disappointed to see him and Khalifa leave. And even though Khalifa has been injured, I'm also a little sad for Waterman. Loved his tenacity / improvement last year at BYU - became a very real contributor to team success in the B12. Thinking of him after checking out the UL game today to see him play.

Waterman had NBA aspirations moving to Louisville, and yet, he has regressed at UL.
At BYU, he averaged 24 mpg, shot 45%FG / 37% 3pt (that's good) / 81% FT, and had 5.4 rpg.
In 29 games with UL, he gets only 20 mpg, and is shooting 36% FG / 29% 3 pt, and an abysmal 42% from FT, and is grabbing only 3.7 rpg.
That does not move him higher up in the NBA conversation, although I still really wish him well, wherever he lands. Super nice guy, and I think talented - perhaps not used well at UL???

As per Khalifa, curious to see what will happen for him when he's healthy - does he get another year at UL? Too bad on for him on the injury, but he will be back somewhere. And although I also love Demin, and his potential at 6'9" with that skillset, ability to drive the lane, and handle the ball as a PG, I really don't see him as a better pure passer than Khalifa. Yes, he has the height for good vision on the court, and makes some really nice plays with ally-oops, and finding the open guy. But Khalifa made not just a few, but countless absolutely jaw-dropping feeds, the likes of which we had only dreamed about since guys like Steve Nash, John Stockton, and Magic Johnson used to stun the crowd. Khalifa was truly fun to watch with the complete unexpectedness of the plays he was able to make happen, IMO.
A fun watch are the YouTube videos of Khalifa's passing last year - the timing and vision, in narrow windows for his passes are just "sick" and with very few TO's. His passes don't just find the open man, they often would be so completely in the receiving player's basket, that it would completely eliminate the defensive player's ability to do anything at all.

Anyway, wish the best for both players.
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Originally posted on Mar 16, 2025 at 12:02:04am
Message modified by jaba166 on Mar 16, 2025 at 3:26:45am
Message modified by jaba166 on Mar 16, 2025 at 3:29:53am
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