You are wanting to have some bumps checked on your neck, possible shoulder surgery, but that's all the preplanned stuff you expect for this year.
Plan 1 Plan 2
97.40 Per Month 245.30 Per Month
HSA Eligible. Not HSA Eligible
Employer HSA Contributions $825.00 N/A
Not FSA Eligible FSA Eligible
Single Deductible $1650 $0
Out of pocket max $4500 $3000
Primary Care visit 20% coinsurance after deductible $25
Specialist visit 20% coinsurance after deductible $35
Inpatient 40% coinsurance after deductible 10% coinsurance
Outpatient 40% coinsurance after deductible 10% coinsurance
Inpatient 40% coinsurance after deductible 10% coinsurance
Emergency Room 40% coinsurance after deductible $150 copay and 10% coinsurance
X-ray 40% coinsurance after deductible 10% coinsurance