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BYU Football Offers Abilene Christian Transfer David OkeBYU Football Offers Abilene Christian Transfer David OkeCougs DailyView articleDiscussCoach Prime Shared What He Sees From BYU During Alamo Bowl PrepCoach Prime Shared What He Sees From BYU During Alamo Bowl PrepKSL SportsView articleDiscussBYU Football Players Who Could Benefit The Most From Alamo Bowl PracticesBYU Football Players Who Could Benefit The Most From Alamo Bowl PracticesKSL SportsView articleDiscussBYU Gets an Early Commitment from Edge Rusher PJ TakitakiBYU Gets an Early Commitment from Edge Rusher PJ TakitakiCougs DailyView articleDiscussBYU Football Lands Commitment From Lehi’s PJ TakitakiBYU Football Lands Commitment From Lehi’s PJ TakitakiKSL SportsView articleDiscussJohn Beck Part 2: Harline is Still Open - When John Beck returned from his...John Beck Part 2: Harline is Still Open - When John Beck returned from his mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he...BYUtv SportsView articleDiscuss