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4-star defender Hunter Clegg flips commitment from Utah to BYU4-star defender Hunter Clegg flips commitment from Utah to BYUDeseret NewsView articleDiscuss4-Star DE Hunter Clegg Flips from Utah to BYU4-Star DE Hunter Clegg Flips from Utah to BYUVanquish the FoeView articleDiscussBYU adding a transfer along the defensive lineBYU adding a transfer along the defensive lineDeseret NewsView articleDiscussSUU Defensive Line Transfer Anisi Purcell Commits to BYU FootballSUU Defensive Line Transfer Anisi Purcell Commits to BYU FootballCougs DailyView articleDiscussWhy Chase Roberts returning to BYU is so importantWhy Chase Roberts returning to BYU is so importantDeseret NewsView articleDiscuss