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BYU Football Transfer Portal Recruiting NotebookBYU Football Transfer Portal Recruiting NotebookCougs DailyView articleDiscussBYU Football Offers Offensive Line Transfer Jayvin JamesBYU Football Offers Offensive Line Transfer Jayvin JamesCougs DailyView articleDiscussTaysom Hill offers injury updateTaysom Hill offers injury updateDeseret NewsView articleDiscussKevin Young says Chris Paul wants to play pickup hoops at BYU next summerKevin Young says Chris Paul wants to play pickup hoops at BYU next summerDeseret NewsView articleDiscussNewest BYU Commit Justice Brathwaite Shut Down His Recruitment Early to Focus...Newest BYU Commit Justice Brathwaite Shut Down His Recruitment Early to Focus on FootballCougs DailyView articleDiscussRyan Smith Claims No Involvement With AJ Dybantsa SigningRyan Smith Claims No Involvement With AJ Dybantsa SigningKSL SportsView articleDiscuss