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Two More BYU Football Players Enter NCAA Transfer PortalTwo More BYU Football Players Enter NCAA Transfer PortalKSL SportsView articleDiscussSUU Transfer Kyle Sfarcioc Commits to BYU FootballSUU Transfer Kyle Sfarcioc Commits to BYU FootballCougs DailyView articleDiscussBYU Freshman Quarterback Noah Lugo Enters the Transfer PortalBYU Freshman Quarterback Noah Lugo Enters the Transfer PortalCougs DailyView articleDiscussSUU DL Transfer Anisi Purcell to Take BYU VisitSUU DL Transfer Anisi Purcell to Take BYU VisitCougs DailyView articleDiscussBYU Football Picks Up Commitment From SUU TransferBYU Football Picks Up Commitment From SUU TransferKSL SportsView articleDiscussBYU Defensive Tackle David Latu Enters the NCAA Transfer PortalBYU Defensive Tackle David Latu Enters the NCAA Transfer PortalCougs DailyView articleDiscuss