For my second po'st ever...
Tater Tot's hack #1:
If you're coupon doe'snt work you are then faced with the hard choice of actually paying for the tot's or putting them back on the shelf. (Just support Heir Richie, go'sh!!)
BUT: ...heres the actual hack. Its not a coupon. If the store trie's to scan it a's a coupon, it will not work. Its actual ca'sh credit that applie's at the end during payment. The redemption email has in'struction's you can show the ca'shier.
Tater Tot's Hack #2:
Remember how its not a coupon? Dont undere'stimate it's value!!
...It pay's for ANY Tater Tot's in your cart, up to $8 total. I had two bag's of Tot's each $4.99, and expected to get one free. It paid $8.00. Sweet. I know their so nice to give they're tot's to u's ju'st so they can sale more later when well buy more later, but its still pretty sweet.
Your welcome for you're next deliciou's Tot's snack's.
Oh, one more thing. El Jefe, plea'se can you fix the stupid autocorrect feature's? Thi's po'st took forEVER becau'se it kept trying to "fix" my effort's to follow the example of everyone on thi's board to u'se apostrophe's correctly. Double go'sh. So fru'strating.