Mar 15, 2025
BigBlue04 Starter
1,000 lb Club
Seen a few posts recently about hitting this total. At various times through my life I've had max lifts that would qualify me for the 1,000 lb club but I have never tried to do all 3 in 1 session. So I decided I would do it today. I spend this last week doing a "deload" week in preparation. I was pretty excited/nervous this morning as I headed to the gym. In the last few months I had done a 335 squat, 275 bench, and 405 deadlift so I figured I should be OK. But I wasn't sure how my body would handle it all at once. I was also kind of ticked because my son took my car to work which had my lifting belt. Oh well. If I did it I could say it was with no equipment at all (no straps, sleeves, wraps, nothing).

I warmed up on the treadmill for 10 minutes, then did some dynamic stretching with extra focus on my back. Then it was go-time.

For each lift I would do 10 reps with the bar, then work up as a % of my known 1rm doing fewer reps each time. By 75% I was just doing singles. I also figured I should follow power-lifting order which is squat, bench, deadlift.

Squat: This felt good. I was well-rested and I hit 345. Felt like I had a bit more in me, but didn't want to burn out with 2 more big lifts still to go.

Bench: I thought this would feel better than it did. Didn't help that I tweaked my shoulder 2 days ago unclogging a drain. When I did 275 a few weeks ago I was sure I could do a bit more. Today it was a real struggle just to get 275. But I did it and was in good shape in terms of total weight lifted going into Deadlift.

Deadlift: Worked up to 385 which put me over 1,000. Then I pulled 405 and felt like there was a bit more in the tank. But I was nearly running late (food drive for the youth started at 9) and I figured I shouldn't push too hard as I'm well into my 40s.

Final total today: 1,025. ***pat myself on the back just enough to re-injure my shoulder***
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Jul 25, 2006
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Mar 15, 2025
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1,133 (0 FO)

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