Now making 1/5th of what I was 5 years ago.
9th year being promised one, too.
50-60 hours working a week - Really trying to keep this place in business.
We've done amazing things here, have an amazing product, amazing people, and I've grown as a person in skills, leadership, and abilities.
I got amazing things in me, and business was booming a few years ago. I have even met some cool people on CB looking to help out with their businesses-working on a particularly cool project that I hope will be huge as a side-gig in my spare time.
I don't know what this post is.
Maybe advice on how to break this news to my wife? Or not? Should I just keep pushing this uphill rock?
She's been amazing, but I can tell it's taking a toll. (We have never been lavish, we have no debt (thankfully), are very frugal, but our 15th anniversary is tomorrow and we haven't celebrated it in 10 years because we try to save and invest for an ever-tightening future for us and our kids.
Maybe it's advice on how to wrap a high-5 to make it more special this year?