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Jan 13, 2025
EM_Puma All-American
My father was in the process of getting his pilot license while I was growing
up. One day, he had one of his instructors take he and my mother and two older brothers up in a Cessna. For some unbelievable reason, I was allowed in the other front seat beside the pilot. I was 9-years-old. The pilot told me that I could take the wheel and steer the plane for a bit. Immediately I pushed the yoke forward and then sharply back and so the plane dove and then pitched up abruptly. As we dove, I can still see it in my memory, my bully 11-year-old brother elevated and struck his head on the ceiling. He had failed to keep his seat belt on. He was always picking on me, so I really enjoyed seeing him clunk his head. Sometimes it's not wise to turn over the plane to a kid. 😉
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Jan 29, 2005
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Jan 17, 2025
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