about it:
The Holy War. It used to be a perfect name for a rivalry that went deeper than football, deeper than the educational and class divides that help define other rivalries like Duke-UNC, USC-UCLA, and Auburn-Alabama. Along this 45 mile stretch of I-15, immortal souls were at stake. 'Holy War' captured the relentlessness of it, the way it didn't matter who actually won the game, the scoreboard just fuel for the righteous anger of the losing side. 'Holy War' doesn't fit any more.
It's not the same for the players. Their mentors on the team, now gone, couldn't tell them what it felt like to play in the Holy War. They had never lost to BYU. The institutional memory of the Holy War is gone. Only the coaches remember, and that doesn't land on a nineteen year old kid the same way. From a coach, it's a scary story to get you to practice on time. "Respect the process, or the Cougars will get you!" A coaches' Holy War story game isn't history to Tyler Huntley or Chase Hansen, it's mythology.
The Holy War is over. Utah won.