My six-year old son has been talking nonstop about how he loves fishing with his dad. I had only ever taken him once, this summer.
So we got him his own little spincast rod for Christmas. He has been dying to use it. His grandpa and I took him to the lake. He asked if we could listen to the Hobbit while we fished, which was fun. I thought the highlight of the trip would be the Hobbit and powdered doughnuts, which is part of my family's fishing tradition. To my surprise, my son caught a 16" rainbow. He could not be prouder. He must have checked the stringer 10 times to make sure the fish was still attached. He was the only person on the lake to catch a fish, he pointed out more than once. When we were done packing up he said, "I'm just going to sit here and admire my fish." On the ride home, he said, "this was a really good day."