1-Like you I've have noticed it's longer before you can skip with some now.
2-Some ads are about 5+ minutes long. Why create a 5-minute ad? Does anyone intentionally watch a 5-minute ad? Once I had one that started playing a music video as an ad but it was dropping the N-word left and right.
3-They have to know 99% of the time their ad is going to be skipped so why don't all advertisers try to pike your interest in the first 3 seconds of the ad? For some, you hardly know what they're trying to sell you before skipping.
4-If you skip the ad it will start to play the video but for some reason, if you actually watch the ad all the way through it will reward you with another ad. One time I think I was on the 3rd ad before I skipped it and it played the video. It may have just played ads forever if I didn't skip.