I am SO glad they both stayed at BYU. Freakin love these dudes, love the way they play, love their intensity, etc.
But there are a lot more layers to both of them staying other than just because "they love it at BYU."
Let's just call a spade a spade, it's very safe to say that they both just got hefty raises.
BTW - as they SHOULD have, nothing wrong with it, it's the new reality of college sports and the laborer is worthy of his hire.
So yes, do I think they love it in Provo / BYU? Of course.
But how many times in professional sports - and college sports are exactly that now, professional sports - have we seen guys say they "love it here" only to squabble for a big contract extension, etc. Ultimately the fans are happy with the athlete staying because they aren't footing the bill (outside of ticket and merch sales, obv) but the reason they ultimately stay put is a lot more than just "I love it here."