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Sep 2, 2020
Zenoch All-American
I shared this about 15 years ago here. Time to share again
I've shared on here before that we have a daughter who is Downs. She is 30+ years old. She has had several open heart surgeries - mainly in her very early years. One time while in the ICU - I experienced this:

"While spending time at the ICU at Children's Hospital in Seattle - we witnessed some of the most touching and heart-wrenching situations of little children that one could ever see. One in particular was a young women who was in her mid-20s. She was deaf, brain-damaged, no verbal ability, essentially quadriplegic, on a respirator, and just in very, very difficult health situation. She essentially lived her life in the ICU. Very sad. But - I was taught a very important lesson by her mother. Her mother was an incredible woman. Most children in those kinds of circumstances are essentially abandoned by their families - or visit somewhat infrequently. Not this mother. She faithfully came to the hospital every single day. She would come with the most happy, positive attitude to see her daughter. Every day she would come in a different costume, or hat or outfit or something visually unique. She realized that this method was about the only mental stimulus that could benefit her daughter so she would do something special and unique for her. My daughter only spent a couple of days in the same ICU room as this other girl - but the example that this mother set is still the shining example of kindness that I have ever known."
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