....what about the other standard test? Did he ask you to remove any artificial apendages (which may or may not be wrapped in tin foil as well as enjoyed in a salad) before he tells you to turn and cough?
By the way, in our conference room here at work, I make sure the room is set up for movies, etc. Well, I had the room converted into a theater as well, for team "rewards" they get to watch a movie on work time. Well, I watch movies on my lunch break and left Spinal Tap down there. Our PC tech here found it and e-mailed me to see if he could borrow it and that he's never seen it.
I don't think he knows what he is in for. I guess we will see if we can get another convert.
TAI - The Dude abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners.
"I could show you the 3 second kill but I ain't got the time!"