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Jun 2, 2009
I personally don't have any kids,
nor am I nor have I been married, but I agree with your basic philosophy. Nothing against the other methods- but I think it should take some time.

I have dated a lot of girls the last five years that were attractive, good members of the church and liked me. I am pretty sure I could have married one of them. The longer I would date them though, the more I knew that we weren't that compatible. Because we moved slow in the commitment area, I was able to break things off pretty easily.
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Jun 19, 2005
Last login
Feb 14, 2021
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1,298 (94 FO)
6/2/09 1:25pm
6/2/09 1:25pm
6/2/09 1:27pm
6/2/09 1:28pm
6/2/09 1:31pm
6/2/09 1:47pm

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