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Jan 3, 2025
bald man All-American
Two problems with most conferences. eyeballs, and lack of quality teams
Yes, some can compete with the teams ranked 11 to 30 on a regular basis. But as we see with bsu and smu, its a different animal to compete with the top 10 or 5 teams.

But if you give them a shot, one of them will rise up and do well. Especially if you keep it at 16 teams.

but that brings us back to eyeballs. and well, as we are finding out ESPN is in cahoots with the sec/big10 to rig the system to help more of them get in. because, well, honestly, more eyeballs actually watch them then any of the leagues mentioned in the op. And they are desperate for money.
Maybe before cord cutting they would of been more open to allow others in, but now? well, they need higher ratings.
bald man
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bald man
Aug 2, 2002
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Jan 6, 2025
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