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Dec 30, 2024
DeepCCoug Starter
Free advice from an old man: TAKE THE MONEY!
Look, at the end of the day what matters is what you've been able to do to financially support your family and allow you to retire in comfort. It's a rare job--a VERY rare job--where job satisfaction makes up for not contributing your utmost to the goals I listed above.

Plus, you don't know the future. You could get sick or hurt and not be able to work as long as you wish. In fact, most people stop working because they get involuntarily retired due to layoffs, terminations or company closures. Get the money NOW while you still can. There are few blessings that feel as good as knowing you have financial security for yourself and your family. I guarantee you those older people you see bagging groceries at Smith's aren't there because they want to be.

Again, free advice from an old man who has seen too many people fearfully facing retirement with not enough money.
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Jul 21, 2002
Last login
Jan 8, 2025
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990 (3 FO)