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Jun 17, 2024
GSwarriorcoug All-American
These are social issues/situations that I found interesting
And thought provoking from the movie and that even made me pause consider ways that I am like the rich family in the film.

The rain storm scene - contrasting the rich family sitting back and naively watching the lightning storm in comfort while the same storm is flooding the poor family.

The rich family commenting about the smell of the poor father. I know that I've made similar comments about people. This scene is maybe the most memorable for me, and caused me to consider how I view and talk about others less fortunate than me.

The poor family's treatment of the family hiding in the basement - Even amongst the poor there are pecking orders in which persons put themselves and their needs above others or view themselves as more deserving than those beneath them. Really the poor family was no different than the rich family and maybe even worse based on their treatment of the family in the basement. Each family is similar, but just born into a different level of privilege and opportunity.

I haven't seen the movie in 4-5 years and have only seen it once, but these are ones I vaguely remember that have stuck with me.
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Originally posted on Jun 17, 2024 at 6:37:52pm
Message modified by GSwarriorcoug on Jun 17, 2024 at 6:40:30pm
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