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Jun 6, 2024
jvr7 All-American
Reflections on D-Day I wrote a few years ago
Very early in the morning on this day 78 years ago, Allied forces landed on beaches in the Normandy region in France—an operation known as D-day. A war of epic proportions had raged throughout the world for the previous 5 years initiated and carried out by an evil regime that systematically oppressed, imprisoned, tortured and murdered millions of men, women and children. It’s unknown the amount of suffering the world would have known had it not been ended in the year following the D-Day invasion, but each day that passed meant more suffering, more lives lost and more evil being perpetuated.

D-Day was not the only action that brought about the end of the Nazi regime, but it was a turning point and the operation hastened the war’s conclusion. The operation was expertly and meticulously planned and all while maintaining its secrecy, to use as much surprise as possible. It is the largest operation of its kind in human history and was a remarkable collaboration by Allied forces. The operation was success but not without paying a hefty price. There were over 10,000 casualties and 4,414 men died in the invasion. Fathers and mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands and children lost their fathers. For those that survived the horrors of their time in the war had lifetime consequences.

I can’t imagine what it would have been like to run up the beach as bullets whistling past my head and body, shells exploding around me and watching my friends and countrymen, dropping to the ground as bullets and shrapnel pierced their flesh—or worse watching them being blown to bits. I can’t imagine this all happening without any cover or the hope of cover for several hours until a terribly costly defensive position could be earned. It’s incomprehensible. But these brave men did it and should be regarded as heroes.

I feel overwhelming gratitude for them and their service to humanity. As the years have passed very few remain with us, but we owe them more than we could ever offer. We can remember them and try to do good in this world that they gifted us. A gift that was purchased with their courage and blood.
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Originally posted on Jun 6, 2024 at 8:57:38am
Message modified by jvr7 on Jun 6, 2024 at 8:59:06am
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