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May 10, 2024
Carnac Truly Addicted User
I think the relationship with older people and food is an interesting one
On the one hand, I look at President Nelson. He is semi-famous for eating a very, very healthy diet. He is almost 100 and age is finally catching up to him--but he spent a good 95 years defying his age. Ten years ago my dad worked in the SLC temple and said Elder Nelson was running circles around men thirty years younger than him. He had endless energy. As a heart surgeon he saw what diet did to peoples' hearts and he adjusted his own diet because of it.

However, there is a point later in life where something is likely going to get you--cancer, some other stupid disease, alzheimers, a broken hip. I feel like there is some point where you enter the "death zone" that needs to be acknowledged and maybe it is time to just enjoy the few remaining years at at the buffets. When is that? 80? 85?
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Carnac el Magnifico
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Dec 22, 2007
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Jul 1, 2024
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