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Jul 19, 2021
Coug Truly Addicted User
There were some great documentaries on the Smithsonian Channel on the Apollo missions and Apollo 11...
I could watch these for hours on end and not get bored... the entire history of the space program then was amazing... and what they accomplished was a miracle and just absolutely incredible.

A couple of things that stood out...

The deaths of Grissom, White and Chaffee... the interviews surrounding that was interesting. One person they interviewed said that basically if it didn't happen to them then, it was going to happen to someone else and possibly up in space or during liftoff. They said that they were moving too fast and getting too comfortable. From that moment they were told to always aggressively question everything until they are confident. Ironically the tone was that NASA murdered that crew, but if that accident didn't happen then and when and how it did... NASA would have folded up shop pretty fast if it had happened to a crew up in space.

It seemed that mechanically, they were pretty successful, minus the Apollo 13 mission... but software wise they were always having issues... could never overcome software glitches... they were having software glitches during the decent to the moon on Apollo 11.

I don't know why I never really thought of it before... but they spent a lot of time talking about the assent stage of the LM. Apparently they had absolutely no back up plan if that stage failed. It was always do or die. Pretty much ever stage of the mission had an abort stage where there was a back up plan to get out of the stage they were in... the only one that didn't have an abort or back up plan for was the assent from the moon stage.

Pretty amazing accomplishment... has to be man's great accomplishment ever.
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